What To Expect When You Visit
DPUMC is a joyful and welcoming community. We’d love for you to join us for a worship service. We worship together at 10 am each Sunday as our choir and praise band help us connect with God through a mix of contemporary and traditional music. People come as they are most comfortable. You’ll see folks in jeans and suits.

There is parking available on both sides of the building. We have reserved guest spaces in the west parking lot (closest to Center St). From either door you enter, you’ll find yourself in our concourse. Greeters are there to help if you need assistance finding anything.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are not offering a nursery for small children at this time.
Should you need to step out with a child, we have a comfortable “cry room” at the back of the sanctuary that will allow you to still see and hear the service without feeling self-conscious.