Our History

Deer Park United Methodist Church has a rich history as part of the community of Deer Park. The Methodists began meeting together in the post office in the late 1930s. The Methodist church was officially organized in 1940, a year when the census counted 100 people within the city population. The original church building was constructed in 1946, and by 1958, a building committee was organized to plan the next phase of development.

In 1962, a new sanctuary opened on Fourth Street, closely followed by a new two-story education building in 1966. The Fourth Street location became cramped, and on July 16, 1989, ground was broken on the current sanctuary building.

The first worship service in the new building on Thirteenth Street was in July 1990. This transition marked the fiftieth anniversary of DPUMC. The Memory Chapel located within the main building holds the pulpit, pews, and three stained glass windows from the Fourth Street sanctuary.
In 2001, the Family Life Center opened to accommodate the growing youth program and Methodist Weekday School. By 2004, the casual worship service was meeting in this building on Sunday mornings at 8:30 am.
Our Staff
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